Horizontal Rule
The <hr />
tag in HTML stands for horizontal rule and is used to insert a horizontal rule or a thematic break in an HTML page to divide or separate document sections. The <hr />
tag is an empty tag and it does not require an end tag.
Customize hr color
/* Example of how to change the line color */.dnb-hr:after {color: var(--color-ocean-green);}
<Div> Something <Hr /> Something </Div>
Horizontal Rule in fullscreen
Use the modifier dnb-hr--fullscreen
to get a full screen rule. You can also set just fullscreen={true}
<Div> Something <Hr fullscreen /> Something </Div>
Horizontal Rule thickness / hairline
Use the modifier dnb-hr--light
to get a 0.5px
rule. You can also set just light={true}
or medium={true}
- Light 0.5px
- Default 1px
- Medium 1.5px
<Div> <Dl> <Dt>Light 0.5px</Dt> <Dd> <Hr light /> </Dd> </Dl> <Dl> <Dt>Default 1px</Dt> <Dd> <Hr /> </Dd> </Dl> <Dl> <Dt>Medium 1.5px</Dt> <Dd> <Hr medium /> </Dd> </Dl> </Div>
Horizontal Rule thickness tests
Browsers do render borders differently. They also handle sizing differently. E.g. will 1.5px
be rounded up to 2px
in Chromium based browsers (on size related CSS properties).
In order to address different solutions, here is a test case, finding the right balance of creating 0.5px
/ 1.5px
lines, browser compatibility and correct look. As per year 2020, Firefox does the best job on showing the line thickness correct.